Located on the northern shoreline of Manitoulin Island, Sheshegwaning First Nation boasts a land base of 10,124 acres, accessible year-round via a hard top road. Our history and traditions are rooted in the Odawa Nation of Anishinaabek, and our official languages are Nishnaabemwin and English. As of April 2013, our community consisted of 419 Sheshegwaning Edbendaagzijig (Citizens), with 111 residing on-reserve, in addition to permanent residents.
We are the people of Sheshegwaning, of the Odawa Nation of Anishinaabek, who have been here since time immemorial, placed upon this continent by the Creator along with the gifts of our language and spirituality, and religion, and the gifts of the Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. We have a sacred responsibility for the use and maintenance of these gifts and the gifts the land provides and to live in harmony with the land and with each other, for our children and future generations.
Refer to our local events page for information.